I love the word “toebug” …Toebug …toebug …toebug. I say it every chance I get. #Toebug. Bootmakers know what I’m talking about, but everyone calls the crisscross of thread something different, like…
“toe flower” — Lee Miller (Austin,TX), Evan Voyles (Austin,TX), Alan Bell (Abilene, TX) and Brian C. Thomas (Abilene, TX)
“bug and wrinkle” — Mike Vaughn (Bowie, TX)
“wrinkle and stitch” — James “Smitty“ Smith (Beggs, OK)
“toe stitch” — Paul Bond Boots, order form (Nogales, AZ)
“medallion” —Roberto Herrera (Tijuana, Mexico); Rocketbuster Boots (El Paso, TX) and T.O. Stanley Boots (El Paso, TX)
“el medallón” — translation by Roberto Herrera (Tijuana, Mexico)
Pretty great, huh?