I did it! I bought a sander…and who could go wrong with a name like “Sand-Rite”.
Sure, I was going to get the one I found on Amazon.com…but I started getting nervous about the customer reviews. Two out of three complained about warped discs and crappy plastic parts. The only thing worse than getting a 200lb. sander stuck in my basement doorway, would be to repack it, and pay UPS shipping to send it back. Plus that Delta sander had those pesky guards, and drop down belt…I really just wanted the drum.
Yesterday, I did one last “Google” search…this time for “pneumatic drum”, and I found “Sand-Rite”.
I think it was “Sharon” who I talked to on the phone…she took a special trip to the warehouse for me to measure the height of the stand (37″ from the floor to the sanding surface on the bottom of the drum). Normally their minimum order on the abrasive sleeves is ten of each size and grit, but I told her I didn’t really know what I was doing, so she let me order just a couple. Phew.
Sand-Rite sells a bunch of differnt drum sizes and “coarser and finer grits are available on special order (prices on request).” I think I’ve given myself a large margin for error on this particular purchase.
I’m absolutely convinced that a pneumatic drum is a good move…the testimonials on the “Sand-Rite” website were from folks who made paddles, boomerangs, and duck decoys. What else is a cowboy boot or last, but a cross between a paddle, boomerang, and duck decoy?
I didn’t ask for the amount of the final bill…but I think with the stand, sleeves and shipping I squeaked in under $1,000.