I try and stay on top of things… but the growing popularity of cowboy boots in Seattle had me a little puzzled. Certainly wasn’t true a year ago.
Last year, Seattle was just like other urban West coast spots (except maybe LA). Folks were buying vintage boots as fashion staples, but they weren’t giving boots much of their time, money or attention.
But…Wow! Now, Seattle can be considered a go-to spot for cowboy boots, thanks to Insurrection Apparel & Boots. Insurrection has always had a great selection of vintage boots… but now, they’ve brought in some swell designs from Lucchese, Liberty, Rocketbuster, Morado and Old Gringo. And Insurrection has its very own line of vintage-inspired cowboy boots.
I particularly like this boot in the photo, black and white with just a bit-o-color at the cuff. Oh, yeah.
Vintage Levi’s, motorcycle jackets, western shirts and cowboy boots… everything for that classic American look. I’ll admit it… I wish I were as cool as Insurrection.
8403 1/2 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103
HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-5
PHONE: 206-782-5752