This was no ordinary day. Tonight I had to turn my chair around (or maybe it was my way of thinking?) to update this weblog. My home “office” is not very big. I have my desk against the wall, and my sewing machine is sittin’ right behind me, smack dab in the middle of the room. One chair is all I have room for….and it’s almost always facing my desk. My desk is the place I sit down after work and update my web page, read e-mail, talk on the phone…and shuffle my bills around and around. Last night, however, I sat facing my sewing machine and practiced my stitching. I was “free-handing” leafy shapes for a top secret Christmas project.

I think I’ve decided to leave my chair facing my Singer from now on…so whenever I make that 180 degree turn, it’s gonna be away from bootmaking…rather than towards it.