All posts by Jennifer June

I leave tomorrow…

I’m packin’…payin’ bills…doin’ laundry…I leave tomorrow. Tex Robin told me to bring along a pair of boots that need new soles. My pee wees are in bad shape, but they’ve all got plastic soles. Instead of wooden pegs, they’ve got rolled paper kinda like lollipop sticks. I think I’ll bring along my snakeskin boots. Lee Miller gave me a couple of second hand skiving knives…they fit my hand a lot better than the new one I bought. Tex said I don’t need to bring any tools…but I think I’ll pack these along.

I’m missing the big rodeo in Coleman, TX.

I’m missing the big rodeo in Coleman, TX. I’ve been trying to keep up to date with current events by reading…I like the window with the lake water-level totals. When I talked to Tex Robin a week or so ago, there was rain. I’m starting to pack for my trip. I talk myself in and out of packing things all the time. I’m flying to Dallas, so I should pack for a plane trip…..but wait — I’ll have Texas gas prices and a rental car with unlimited mileage — so I should pack for a road trip. Okay, maybe I won’t pack the plaid thermos…but maybe I’ll stick a flashlight in my bag — this will go on all week. Otherwise I’ve been waiting for some mail to show up…I’ll go by my box again in the morning.