Category Archives: Cowboy Boots

Cowboy Boot Collections

Here are a few of web pages I’ve been enjoying lately.

One is a vintage cowboy boot blog called “Man In the Crowd” written by James Davis. Even though I enjoy pages like the Custom & Vintage Boot Collectors’ Topic, it’s a treat to visit James’ blog which focuses on a single, personal, cowboy boot collection. Good photos, good information. Click on the photos for closer look…and leave a comment behind if you like.

…another is a website full of boot jacks. The site (which is slow to load) belongs to bootmaker Frank English and includes boot jacks of all types…buggy, naughty, wooden, old, hinged and horned. Personally, I like the snake.

WANTED: Dead or Alive

A Denton County man is in now in jail having been charged with felony theft of these prize boots. (Read more from The Dallas Morning News.)

Mr. Chappell’s boots have been recovered and are headed back to the shop! …Thanks to evidence uncovered in jail interviews and multiple house searches. Read more at The Dallas Morning News and

These beautiful hand carved cowboy boots were made by Mr. Carl Chappell. They are pictured in my book on page 274 …and were stolen from Trail Town Custom Leather Shop in Saint Jo, Texas, on 30 July, 2007 at approximately 10:00am.

Thanks to the Dallas Morning News for the details provided in this story. Be sure to listen to the audio file.

Anyone with information should contact John Glaze at Trail Town Custom
, 940-995-2600 or the Saint Jo Police Department at 940-995-2337.

(Click here for a larger view of the shop’s REWARD poster.)