Category Archives: Cowboy Boots

My list of custom bootmakers

Today, I’m picking up some of the pieces I dropped to work on my book about cowboy boots.

My list of custom bootmakers has a new look…and some groovy new features. Now it’s easy to e-mail, bookmark and print each state list. You can quickly find all the list updates by visiting my new blog (…or subscribing to its rss feed.)

…and I’m also making some final travel arrangements for my trip to the Boot & Saddlemakers’ Round-Up next month. Will I see you there?

Cowboy Boot Photos on Flickr

I’m all for trying new things. Here’s one of them…

I just posted a few photos on I’ll post more soon, but in the meantime you can look at a thousand other “relevant” and “interesting” photos of cowboy boots… you can even add some of your own photos or comments (for free!)

I’ve already started collecting a few favorite photos. Also, I think you’ll like the McStewarts’ trip to a Leon Cowboy Boot factory.

I hope you get inspired to post pics of your own travels and cowboy boot collections. Flickr makes it easy to post several photos in batches…all at once, straight from your home computer. C’mon show us what ya got!

The Cow Lot is closing after 54 years.


Sad, but true. The landmark Wichita Falls (TX) store will be closing this month. You can read the details here in the local Times Record News story. Beginning on July 5th, Cow Lot will begin selling off the store’s entire inventory. (Map)

The Cow Lot has always been a destination spot for the “hard-to-fit.” Owner Nat Fleming typically carried more than 80 sizes/widths of cowboy boots. Narrow…wide…long or short…someone would bring out box after box until the right pair was found.


So many family run western wear stores seem as if they’ve been caught in an awful time warp, many flat-out refusing to give up on those late 80’s urban cowboy leftovers, still on their racks.

But, this wasn’t the case with the Cow Lot. They maintained a healthy stock of classic cowboy boots, and tried their best to keep up with all the newest styles. Many folks made a special trip to Wichita Falls simply for the selection of Rios of Mercedes boots and the customer service they’d find at the Cow Lot.

The Cow Lot will be greatly missed.

Store Location: 1200 E Scott Ave, Wichita Falls, 76301 – (940) 767-3255 (Map)

Vintage Cowboy Boots with an Eagle Inlay

“Eagle boots” were insanely popular during the early 1950’s. In large part because of the patriotism and prosperity our country felt following World War II, but also because of big western stars like Roy Rogers (remembered for his wide-winged eagle inlays in red, white and blue.)

Pictured here is a great pair of vintage boots. The eagle is made by overlaying leather in two colors, gold and green…on top of the boot’s white vamp. This is the best “eagle toe” I have ever seen. [zoom]

What makes it so great?

  • The cut-outs mimick the shape of the boot’s toe…going from wide to narrow somewhat gradually.
  • The toe design is bold to balance the heavily inlayed top and mule ear* …even without the bird’s head, the overlay makes a great “wing”tip.
  • The eagle’s head sits well above the wrinkles across the vamp at the boot. It’s unfortunate how often wrinkles and folds wreck the detail of the beak and eye.
  • The row of yellow stitiching provides a nice sharp outline. Even after all these years.

Remember! An eagle on a toe of a boot does not need to be an exact match for the eagle on your boot top.

On this pair, the bird on the toe has narrow wings that reach high over his head. The eagle on the top has widespead veined wings, almost like a butterfly.

(* You get to see the entire boot in April 2007 when my book comes out.)

Photos by Jennifer June.

Boots belong to Karen Robinson.