Category Archives: Cowboy Boots

I’m going to put some final touches on the “field trip” I’ve been working on…then I’m gonna head into San Francisco. Today’s the last day of the “Spring” vintage clothing sale. It’s twice a year, and I think I’ve missed it for last two years running. It can be quite a scene. That rockabilly crowd is serious about their get-ups. Ya know, a girl’s gotta find just the right dress to show off her figure AND her favorite tattoo.

I think I’ve been typing out html code since about 6:00 this morning. I did hike the dogs around a bit, but now I’m back at my desk. I’ve got my newest “field trip” almost finished. I’ve got the stereo turned up real loud.

Dwight Yoakam sings about misery better than anybody.

Michael Anthony is featured in this morning’s San Jose Mercury News. I read him the online version over the phone this morning…he laughed a bit about the quotes the reporter picked up for the article….they make him sound just like he’s from California.

I’m gonna go tromp around in the rain today, and see if I can find Michael a real newspaper. There is supposed to be a photo in it.

Ok…my plane leaves in two hours. Any e-mail, and/or corrections to unruly typos (which are no doubt planted front and center on my webpage) will have to wait ’til I get back next week. I’m not taking my laptop. I think I’m gonna be stopped by airport security anyway, I always am….but this time I have a small stuffed alligator in my carry-on bag. It’s been handed down, and back-n-forth, through 3 generations of women in my family….I’m gonna try and pass it off to someone else. I always have something wacky in my luggage… completely harmless, but wacky.