Rise and shine. Mr. Dale Linn gave me a call this morning….he wanted to check in on my bootmaking. He uncovered some small women’s lasts, round toe, high heel…they sound sweet. He says he’ll bring what he has to Brownwood. He’s been mailing lasts all over the place…California, Canada. He told me that they’re putting together a new boot company in Nocona…aim to put out about 50-60 pairs a week. He’s rounded up a bunch of the old Nocona Boot Co. folks to come back and help put the boots together. Sounds as if some of the bootmakers were just getting used to retirement. Dale says he only wants to work a couple days a week. He just back from a fishing trip…..caught fish so big (400lbs…yikes!), he had to thow ’em back.
Well, I found a pile of western shirts…great pockets…great snaps, every one of them too big for me. The afternoon was pretty slim on boots. I saw a few, but nothing very groovy. Those vintage Acmes aren’t gettin’ any younger…can you say “dry rot”?
11. If you are looking for vintage cowboy boots, you’ll need to look high and low…literally! I usually find the boots sitting on the floor under a clothes rack’s lowest rod, half buried under a pile of circle skirts (or some other 1950’s garment of sizable yardage)…OR look up!…the boots will be on the top shelf disguised as hat stands (again, half covered up). If you plan on wearing them it’s always polite to ask the vendor the approximate size of a boot before dismantling their elaborate displays.
I’m going to put some final touches on the “field trip” I’ve been working on…then I’m gonna head into San Francisco. Today’s the last day of the “Spring” vintage clothing sale. It’s twice a year, and I think I’ve missed it for last two years running. It can be quite a scene. That rockabilly crowd is serious about their get-ups. Ya know, a girl’s gotta find just the right dress to show off her figure AND her favorite tattoo.
I think I’ve been typing out html code since about 6:00 this morning. I did hike the dogs around a bit, but now I’m back at my desk. I’ve got my newest “field trip” almost finished. I’ve got the stereo turned up real loud.
Dwight Yoakam sings about misery better than anybody.
Custom made, vintage and popular cowboy boot brands. Advice from author & expert, Jennifer June (& others) about buying cowboy boots online.