I got a fortune cookie in my e-mail.Now, I want a cup of tea…could be my cold…or the rain, I guess. I’ve put all my boot tools in a sack to take up to Michael’s tomorrow. I’m going to try and work on that table leg with a bit of sandpaper tonight…And I’m carrying along a copy of a “Request for Proposal” from the California Arts Council via the Fund for Folk Culture for Michael and I to talk about. (more later)
Eric Loftsgard wrote something very nice about me and my web page. It’s under the heading, “studio relationships” on his homepage.
…cough..cough… everybody at work is sick. We’re droppin’ like flies. (sniffle) It’s raining. I want to feel better before Friday…boot day. I’m going up to see Michael Anthony. Rain or shine. Snifffle or cough. I think I’ll bring along that stray table leg from the estate sale a while back…I want to turn it into a lasting post. I think Michael can give me some advice.
I’m in a CompUSA “internet cafe”…no coffee in sight….they keep you standing up so you don’t over stay your 10 minutes. (I’m doing some research for my day job.) This isn’t so much a diary entry as a novelty. I just like updating my weblog from exotic places. I’m using an iMac…kinda feels like typing on a toothbrush…lots-o-plastic. Not that that’s a bad thing.