Last night I went to see Dwight Yoakam perform. He was wearing those infamous TIGHT pants. They leave nothing to the imagination …you could see (ahem) everything …the height of the man’s boot tops..the shape of his inlays*…the works!

*…oh, they were playing cards.

Tonight I’m whittling with my lip knife. I think I’m whittling a spoon. I bought some balsa wood at the craft store. They only had “economy bags” so I ended up with all sorts of pieces…square, flat, big, tiny…and some that looks like miniature house siding. I surfed the web a bit, and found the most amazing thing.

I’m draggin’ my feet. I’m supposed to be driving through a tunnel right about now, on my way to work. This weblog might get kinda tricky, especially if I just start writing about all the things I want to do…instead of what I’m actually doing. I want to get the rust off that pegging hammer Lee gave me. I want to start calling around for a sewing machine. I want to update my webpage….I don’t want to go to work today. ugh.

I’m home. I went back to work today…my regular job…the one that makes me wear dry-clean-only clothes. It was a little weird, so many people…so many cars. I have no idea where the nearest Dairy Queen is…might be hours away…not like Texas, not like Coleman. I wore my black boots today. I’m dreaming about bootmaking at night…cutting leather with a knife, hammering tacks. Tonight I’m gonna drag out my bootmaking tools and take inventory. Tex let me take home my lip knife and a measuring tape. Bill Niemczyk traded me a really good Crispin hammer for a lousy pair of lasting pliers I took to Brownwood last year (he was being generous). Lee Miller gave me a whole pile of stuff, like a rand file, skiving knives, awls…a bunch of stuff. At the time I recognized some of the tools, but didn’t know what they were all for…I tucked them away. Now I’m gonna drag ’em all out, take inventory…and figure out my wish list for Brownwood this year. I’ve got high hopes for that swapmeet.

Custom made, vintage and popular cowboy boot brands. Advice from author & expert, Jennifer June (& others) about buying cowboy boots online.

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