Who cares if it’s March already. I’m gettin’ one.
Who cares if it’s March already. I’m gettin’ one.
…still needs work, but not tonight.
…it’s not done, but I’m making progress (new look for the weblog).
So…Brian Thomas tells me he checks this weblog everyday. I guess I better get my act together.
Ugh. There is an awful computer virus going around. I got my first “copy” last week, because the virus found my name in a Texas bootmaker’s e-mail/address book. It’s been showin’ up in my e-mail box at least a couple of times a day ever since. It’s a kinda sneaky because it makes looks like your downloading a MSWord file or a webpage…instead of a file ending with “.exe”. The file’s up to no good. If you get a copy, I’d recommend you delete it, then go to your trash or recycle bin and delete it again…off your hard drive…permanently.
The e-mail may be from someone you know, and the text of the message will look like this:
Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice.
See you later. Thanks
Download Attachment: listen think “do.doc.com”
REMEMBER, don’t reply, don’t click on it…just delete it.