Ugh. There is an awful computer virus going around. I got my first “copy” last week, because the virus found my name in a Texas bootmaker’s e-mail/address book. It’s been showin’ up in my e-mail box at least a couple of times a day ever since. It’s a kinda sneaky because it makes looks like your downloading a MSWord file or a webpage…instead of a file ending with “.exe”. The file’s up to no good. If you get a copy, I’d recommend you delete it, then go to your trash or recycle bin and delete it again…off your hard drive…permanently.

The e-mail may be from someone you know, and the text of the message will look like this:

Hi! How are you?

I send you this file in order to have your advice.

See you later. Thanks


Download Attachment: listen think “

REMEMBER, don’t reply, don’t click on it…just delete it.

Custom made, vintage and popular cowboy boot brands. Advice from author & expert, Jennifer June (& others) about buying cowboy boots online.

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