
A Jim Arndt cowboy boot calendar has hung next to my kitchen sink for last nine years. Every now and then I do browse the January sales, but I’ve never found a calendar I’ve liked better. Holiday reminders, phases of the moon… and room enough to write STREET SWEEPING in inch high letters twice a month. It’s hard to beat, and of course I’d probably have to repaint the wall. Oh yeah… and I like cowboy boots.

P.S. I no longer rely on Santa or loved ones, I just hop over to amazon and buy one myself. Have you got yours? (2008 Calendar)


A Jim Arndt cowboy boot calendar has hung next to my kitchen sink for last nine years. Every now and then I do browse the January sales, but I’ve never found a calendar I’ve liked better. Holiday reminders, phases of the moon… and room enough to write STREET SWEEPING in inch high letters twice a month. It’s hard to beat. Oh yeah… and I like cowboy boots.

P.S. I no longer rely on Santa or loved ones, I just hop over to amazon and buy one myself.

2008 Calendar