Cowboy Boot Photo Glossary – Piping


Narrow trim that runs along the boot top and side seams. Sometimes called the side welt.” White piping is popular throughout central Texas…on almost any color boot.

Bootmakers can buy piping in spools from supply companies, but often make their own to match custom designs and fancy materials.

Bootmakers will cut a narrow strip of leather, skive (thin) the edges… then lay a cord or string down the middle, giving the trim a smooth rounded shape. On the Dave Wheeler Boot (above) the custom made blue piping is a match to the 10 rows of hand stitching. Beautiful.

On the Rocketbuster boot (left) the piping is nearly disguised in the hotrod pin-striping design. Very cool. The pull is on the inside of the boot. You can see the red piping runs along the top of the boot and down the side seam. Notice how the piping is almost invisible, camouflaged in the narrow inlay and the criscross double-row red stitching.

The right-hand photo shows and old Tex Robin boot. The leather has worn thru and you can see the cotton cord. The piping on this boot matches the boot leather and lets your eyes focus on the stitch pattern. This pair was found at a Texas yard sale, I love how the previous owner left the fray hanging.

If you have a copy of my book. Flip through the pages… look at the piping. Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Top 2 photos by Marty Snortum. Bottom right photo, by me.

Ebay Pick: Vintage Dixon Boots

(Note: Links to eBay listings on this website are often, but not always affiliate links.)

Vintage Dixon Boots. On eBay, $224.99. Buy them now. NOW

Very groovy stitch pattern, 6 row-3 color-orange, green and yellow thread stitching. Worthy of reproduction. James Davis writes about Andy & Nobel Dixon here and here. The bootshop was in Wichita Falls… it looks like this pair hasn’t traveled far from home.

(See what I mean about the orange-green-yellow stitching? Cool, no?)

Photo courtesy of ebay seller, “Texas Wild Woman Scavenger.”

Custom made, vintage and popular cowboy boot brands. Advice from author & expert, Jennifer June (& others) about buying cowboy boots online.

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