Superheroes and cowboy boots… they go together.
I knew you were wondering who was wearing all those limited edition Luccheses. Governor Schwarzenegger is also a regular custom-er at Tres Outlaws.
…now, who’s got the other 124 pairs?
Once upon a time, bootmakers used “order books.” These were big hardcover books that remind me of the world atlas my sister and I shared when were kids. Back then, pages were big and I was small… and I had to use my whole arm to turn a page.
Here’s how they work. Each customer would stand on the book, both their feet would be traced, and their measurements written down. Once the book was full, the bootmaker would start another.
If you look inside and old custom boot you’ll often see a couple numbers, like 8-86. It’s secret code… you need to open order book #8 and turn to page 86. There you will find the customer’s name, measurements and usually the original selling price of the cowboy boots.
Nowadays most bootmakers use file folders. Sigh.
Photos taken at James Leddy Boots (Abilene, TX)
I think she’s on to something.
Yesterday, I rode my bike for the first time while wearing my cowboy boots. Here are my findings.
Not so good:
Now, if I just put a couple cleats in the bottom… maybe inlayed a swell top design with some reflective tape. What do ya think? Hmmmmm. Do I add an extra heel pad to compensate for that cleat?
Photo courtesy of
This week, I’m selling them on eBay, accompanied by a signed copy of my book and a hand written letter of authenticity. These boots are truly neato, cool, groovy, fab, bangin’, gnarly…one could even say “foxy.”
(Keep your eye on my eBay selling for more cowboy boot collectibles coming up!)