Remember, today’s the last day to bid on my photo-famous patchwork Justin’s. Tonight, keep a look out for another one or two more cowboy boot collectibles.
Remember, today’s the last day to bid on my photo-famous patchwork Justin’s. Tonight, keep a look out for another one or two more cowboy boot collectibles.
I knew you were wondering who was wearing all those limited edition Luccheses. Governor Schwarzenegger is also a regular custom-er at Tres Outlaws.
…now, who’s got the other 124 pairs?
This week, I’m selling them on eBay, accompanied by a signed copy of my book and a hand written letter of authenticity. These boots are truly neato, cool, groovy, fab, bangin’, gnarly…one could even say “foxy.”
(Keep your eye on my eBay selling for more cowboy boot collectibles coming up!)
A rare find. A pen and ink drawing signed by Harry Olsen. The image is great… a wild bronc bustin’ out of a corral of art deco typography. (photos)
Olsen-Stelzer created beautiful cowboy boot catalogs way back when. Illustrated the margins with sunsets and cactus… a pen and ink was all you needed to imagine adventure in high-def.
(Photo courtesy of eBay seller Texas36. Thanks to Marshall C. for the heads-up.)
I’ve added a bunch “new” labels to the “Makers’ Marks” Photo Pool on Flickr. Now, there are more than 70 custom and store-bought cowboy boot labels… and yes, there’s plenty of room for more!
(P.S. I’ve alphabetized my photos.)